Fake additives and their secondary effects – Read here

Preservatives are some of the chemicals that added to the food to extend its longevity and taste as well. But it has really a bad impact on health at the same time. People who practice the workout and maintains their health must avoid consuming food with preservatives. It may look invisible, but in long term, it has a negative impact on the health, and sometimes it has some serious issues of health drawbacks and other diseases. In this blog, we are going to show you the negative impacts of preservatives on your health, stay tuned with the next section.

There are two types of preservatives; one is natural another is artificial. The normal preservatives do not consist of any other artificial or synthetic materials that are harmful to the body. On the other hand, artificial preservatives are just not the right thing for health.  So, before taking packed food make sure that it is free from any artificial preservatives or not. Let’s see what are the negative impacts of preservative on your health that are affecting unknowingly?

Most of the time artificial preservatives are added to the food to eliminate contamination to extend the expiry date. But at the same time the harsh effect of harmful chemicals is damaging the inside body slowly you don’t know. Diseases like; cardio arrest, unstable respiratory even cancer can be the ultimatum of artificial preservatives. Despite natural or artificial preservatives, nothing is good for a long time.

The main reasons for the side effects of artificial preservatives are as follows-

§  One of the hard and harmful effects of the preservative can affect the respiratory system and damage them with asthma, bronchitis etc.

§  The preservatives can also be dangerous for the children as they are more sensitive than the matured ones. Hyper behavioral changes can arise.

§  Especially the old people can be affected by the harmful effect of preservative that weakens the heart tissues and the reason why they face different issues regarding heart and ended up with cardiac arrest or blockage.

§  Artificial preservatives consist of BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) that are very close to the synthetic antioxidants and very dangerous for the body. Consuming more amount of this preservative based food can increase the chance of cancer as well.

To take care of your health, consume ‘Kurdish Yogurt’, organic, and 100 percent free from preservatives. For more or to become a distributor contact Kurdish Yogurt, because we care for you.
